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A better way to enter messages onto orders and invoices. Rather than entering some text in the Item Number field, then more text in the Group Number and still more in the Description field, this program allows you to easily enter you message then it automatically enters the data into the appropriate fields. When entering items onto orders or invoices you simply press a hot-key combination to bring up the Message Entry program. In this program, you can enter up to 10 lines of 57 characters that will be pasted back into the order/invoice when you choose the Save Message option. Loads as a TSR so it is instantly accessible when entering orders or invoices.
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A common request from AP users is that they want to be able to pay outstanding invoices in date order. This can be done manually, but sifting through invoices in AP program 7 is a time–consuming process, and errors can easily be made by paying off newer invoices rather than oldest first. In addition, for those companies who pay vendors on a budget basis, it can be very confusing to pay off partial invoices so that the budgeting is done correctly, especially with the added complexity of considering early payment discounts. Another common request is for a program where the user can very quickly enter the information for a manual check.
The A/P Paydown utility provides a solution for these common requests by allowing you to enter a specific check amount that you want to send to a vendor. The program then creates the AP check, applying the payment to outstanding invoices in date order, oldest to newest, and takes early payment discounts automatically where applicable. The program is a tremendous timesaver and allows for greater accuracy in making payments. By showing you far more information about the vendor’s account than AP program 7, you can make more intelligent payment decisions.
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This handy utility allows you to delete A/R customers with ship–to addresses, budgets and/or invoice detail attached. This can be a great time–saver when cleaning out old, inactive accounts at year–end. In addition to a customer number range, the program provides a range on category code so you can easily indicate which customers should be deleted. The program also asks for a cut–off date to use for Last Activity and gives you the option to limit the delete to customers within a range of balances. The program will subtract the customer’s Current Balance from the A/R Balance but will not make any other adjustments. The user must decide how to deal with any outstanding invoice detail, which is lost when the customer is deleted.
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If you are trying to automate your purchase ordering system and you use the warehousing feature this application can save you a huge amount of time. The Roundtable Software Advantage Accounting System includes minimum quantity fields for each item and warehouse. This field can be used to print reports and generate POs based not just on overall quantity on hand, but the quantities on hand at each of your locations.
The only problem with this system is that there is no way to automatically set the warehouse minimums. While the software offers great tools to automatically determine what your overall stocking quantities should be, there are no tools for working with warehouses.
The Warehouse Minimum Calculator automatically determines the proper minimum quantities for each warehouse based on historical sales data. The raw data used to calculate minimums is pulled from your Inventory audit trail—once sales are determined, you can have the Warehouse Minimum Calculator fine–tune minimums based on your ordering frequency.
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This utility allows you to convert custom PL files from Premier to the Roundtable Software Advantage Accounting System. Previously, any custom formats you created through Premier Utilities program 11 were lost when converting to the Roundtable Software Advantage Accounting System. With this utility, you can preserve that valuable work without having to rekey.
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